The famous old Silicon Valley stealth mode…

The famous old Silicon Valley stealth mode…

150 150 eriks

It has been awhile since I updated the blog and there are reasons for it. Since I got back from Sweden things have speeded up and moved in a direction I very much did not plan for, at least so soon. The reasons will remain in the famous Silicon Valley stealth mode until I can tell some more about it. I can however say that some will be revealed very soon…

I have also since I came had the pleasure of visiting a concert with the Wayne Shorter’s quartet, which was great. It was a quite welcomed break from work, and I will owe Teddy a big dinner for it. Thanks Teddy!

The weather is really now getting back to as warm and wonderful it was when I first arrived here. I have had several coffees outside and just enjoying the sun.

I will promise to write more soon.


Erik was an Innovation Coach at the AT&T Foundry. He was also the CTO of, a global platform for community-funded local reporting (winner of the Knight News Challenge). Previously, Erik co-founded, where he served as the VP of Social Media and User Interface. is a global community that shares news, videos, images and opinions. At the Reuters Digital Vision Program at Stanford University between 2005-2006, he created the website, which drew widespread recognition from major global media including PBS, CNN and BBC, and was featured on Discovery International’s Rewind 2006 as one of the 25 highlights of the Year.

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Erik was an Innovation Coach at the AT&T Foundry. He was also the CTO of, a global platform for community-funded local reporting (winner of the Knight News Challenge). Previously, Erik co-founded, where he served as the VP of Social Media and User Interface. is a global community that shares news, videos, images and opinions. At the Reuters Digital Vision Program at Stanford University between 2005-2006, he created the website, which drew widespread recognition from major global media including PBS, CNN and BBC, and was featured on Discovery International’s Rewind 2006 as one of the 25 highlights of the Year.

All stories by:eriks