I shouldn't be surprised…

I shouldn't be surprised…

150 150 eriks

… but I am. Yesterday I read an interview with of the more well-known authors and journalists. He basically said:

I can never see any important being written inside the blogosphere that would not end up on the news.

Maybe he is right about that part. However is that the purpose of blogs? Definitely not, it never has been. The basic purpose is for “normal” people to connect to their friend via the internet and tell whatever they feel like. Is that good or bad? You might argue that blogs are increasing the total amount of information on the web, but in the era of search engines this is not a major problem. Therefore it is all good.

More on the future of the new improved media, partly blogs then read my other blog entries on the subject.

The only point I will give him is that we have a lack of structure in the web. There is too easy to produce information. Nowadays there is so much information that some help in this ocean is needed. I wrote an entry on that the day before I met the co-founder/president Mena Trott and Executive Vice President of Corporate Development Andrew Anker at SixApart that delivers what I think the best blog platform today.

Finally what we need is for the traditional media to start to get involved. As for the author. He needs to start realise that everything is evolving. We can either use to be part of the evolution and influence where it is going. Standing on the side, remembering the good ol’ days and complaining about change will never change anything. It will however bring in a lot of negative energy, which I think this world has too much of already.


Erik is currently an Innovation Coach at the AT&T Foundry. Erik was the CTO of Spot.us, a global platform for community-funded local reporting (winner of the Knight News Challenge). Previously, Erik co-founded Allvoices.com, where he served as the VP of Social Media and User Interface. Allvoices.com is a global community that shares news, videos, images and opinions. At the Reuters Digital Vision Program at Stanford University between 2005-2006, he created the website inthefieldONLINE.net, which drew widespread recognition from major global media including PBS, CNN and BBC, and was featured on Discovery International’s Rewind 2006 as one of the 25 highlights of the Year.

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Erik is currently an Innovation Coach at the AT&T Foundry. Erik was the CTO of Spot.us, a global platform for community-funded local reporting (winner of the Knight News Challenge). Previously, Erik co-founded Allvoices.com, where he served as the VP of Social Media and User Interface. Allvoices.com is a global community that shares news, videos, images and opinions. At the Reuters Digital Vision Program at Stanford University between 2005-2006, he created the website inthefieldONLINE.net, which drew widespread recognition from major global media including PBS, CNN and BBC, and was featured on Discovery International’s Rewind 2006 as one of the 25 highlights of the Year.

All stories by:eriks